The sky is the limit with photonics and optical engineering. 研究和使用光能和光信息来设计设备,并在激光制造中创造进步, 通信, biomedical and chemical sensing, display technology, optical computing and transportation. 拥有光子学和光学工程学士学位, you will join a next generation, 快速发展的科技产业,在马萨诸塞州有着深厚的根基.
在北京州立大学攻读光子工程和光学工程期间, 你不必等待很长时间就能获得令人兴奋的实践机会. 我们会在你本科学习的早期向你介绍最先进的设备. 你也可以在大二的时候进行研究和实习.
在BSU, 你会发现光子工程和光学工程项目最适合你. 通过 Department of 物理, 光子学 and Optical Engineering, you may choose a:
- 光子学 and Optical Engineering, BS: Prepare for a successful career in 光学, photonics and other engineering, scientific or mechanical fields.
- 光子学 and Optical Engineering Minor: Complement another bachelor’s degree, from education to other sciences, with a photonics and optical engineering minor.